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Focus on Memory: The True Power of Brand Building

memory sharing between two individuals.

In the bustling world of marketing, the mantra often revolves around immediate action. Designers and brand builders are wired to seek instant results, perpetually defending their budgets, measuring digital immediacy, and driven by personal pride. Creative strategies are framed around the tried-and-true "think/feel/do" approach, with the belief that if they can make the audience think, feel, or do something specific, they've succeeded.

However, this might not be as effective as it seems.

The standard creative briefing system encourages this action-first mentality. It's a logical sequence: make them think, evoke a feeling, and drive an action. Recently, the focus on brand purpose has deepened this, urging audiences to see brands as entities with shared beliefs, akin to another person they should think and feel strongly about.

Yet, evidence supporting this approach is scant. People don’t often think deeply or feel strongly about brands. Their lives are consumed with more immediate priorities—family, friends, jobs, personal challenges, and passions. Brands are not at the forefront of their minds. And here’s the kicker: no one cares about a brand as much as its creators do.

So, what's the alternative?

Instead of pushing for immediate actions, designers should focus on the power of memory. Brands are essentially memory retrieval devices. The ultimate goal should be to ensure that the brand is remembered when someone thinks about its category. It's less about immediate sales activation and more about creating a lasting impression.

Think of brands as cognitive shortcuts—little hacks in the brain that help people remember and favor one brand over another. When a brand is aligned with the concepts of needs and desires that people already have, it becomes embedded into their memory structures. When that need or desire is triggered, the brand comes to mind effortlessly.

It's a subtle shift but a powerful one. Instead of trying to force an immediate response, the goal should be to become a memorable part of the mental landscape. This is where true brand building happens.

Imagine the difference: rather than bombarding consumers with messages that scream for attention, designers create memorable experiences and associations that naturally bring the brand to mind. It’s about embedding the brand in the memory networks of the audience.

This approach doesn't negate the importance of immediate actions altogether, but it places them in a broader context. The immediate actions become more effective when they are part of a long-term strategy of building and maintaining brand memory. It’s about playing the long game.

So, the next time a marketing strategy or creative brief is being crafted, consider this: are you asking the audience to think, feel, or do something? Or are you asking them to remember? Because in the end, the brands that are remembered are the ones that win.

Ready to make your brand unforgettable? Aliant Brands specializes in creating strategic, memorable brand experiences that captivate and inspire. Let’s redefine possibilities together and ensure your brand stands the test of time. Get in touch with us today and start building a brand that everyone will remember.

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